Monday, January 09, 2006

Wedding dress and Cloak

When Cllar and Gwen get married, I thought that perhaps a costume change would be in order...


Anonymous said...

a costume change at this point would denote a change in gwenn's 'status' within the community, correct? if that is the case, would a blind society be likely to use this visual cue or would they use something that affects one of the other senses? just a thought that came to mind. :P my death will be extra gruesome now :(

allen etter said...

The costume change is only for the wedding...she then changes back to her 'caretaker' clothes...the look isn't as important as

allen etter said...

and oh shall die a GRUESOME death indeed!

Anonymous said... and my big mouth... or pseudointellectualism rather...

allen etter said...

not big...just dead...really...gut ripping, neck breaking, limp body tossing, blood spitting dead!


bye, bye!