Wednesday, July 02, 2008

what to do...a quiz

What do you do when you've edited your movie together and there are several plot holes due to important footage that is missing?

a) State, "I always intended it to be this way. That was my first version. It always has been. Oh...and it's Darkness Aftermath episode 4, by the way. I'll clarify the story in the prequels because it was always meant to be the Tragedy of the Garum, not the adventures of Gwen"

b) get creative, REALLY creative with the editing.

c) Dub the entire movie in German and use French subtitles.

d) rewrite the story with a narrative voice over.

e) all the above.


Michael Grant Clark said...

Put in random shots of a planet.. err cough. I didn't say that.

Kill the person responsible for loosing footage. Unfortunately the director is ultimately responsible.....

allen etter said...

Kill...the person...maybe that's why Ted left for Arizona...hmmm.

It's funny that you would say "put in random shots of a planet" because I've fixed some of it by putting in random shots of storm clouds.

Ric said...

VO might be your only choice. Or do a Kill Bill and animate the missing parts!

allen etter said...

Working on a voice over, but last night I toyed with animation...I forgot about the KILL BILL anime.

jonzig said...

animation would be cool, could do it easily enough in flash... or narration that comes in throughout the movie and not just in one or two parts... or make it like you're writing the story and the characters start hearing the narration and realize they're in a story... oh wait... that was a Will Ferrell movie, nevermind

allen etter said...

I'm writing a narration that will run throughout. I just don't want it to be a voice that overstates the obvious. I am seriously reworking the final scene where Gwen battles the Garum. I think that if it is during a heavy rain, animation could work. We do have a CG Gwen.

Unknown said...

Or you could just stop blaming Ted and allow yourself to realize that maybe it was your fault.... :) Just kidding, but for the whole movie thing you could just leave it and let people wonder which will generate conversation among fans, which will make this a cult film, and we will them have millions asking for a tv series which will lead to success, even MORE FANS, AND MONEY!! MUHAHAHAHA....which we all know is why you get into art in the first place.

Also finally got my money to get computer, I know I said it before but once I get that I will be back in business.

Unknown said...

stuff to look forward to: lightning flicker, fire flicker, Lilly scene, flashback edit, moth, and a few more things.

rooster1 said...

So...which footage is it that is still missing??? Is it the FINAL SHOWDOWN??? Also, may be stating the obvious here, but did we ever get the scene where Clarr tears off his shirt and throws the rock at the Garum??? I just remember getting him running up and yelling and then, during the FIRE he has no shirt...then again, maybe that is the footage you're talking about...HI TED!!!!

allen etter said...

It's not really Ted's fault. He was doing the job of three people. And yes, the footage of Clarr removing his shirt to wrap the cloth around a rock to use as a sling to throw at Garum ws one of at least four scenes missing.

But I have it all worked out now. I am psyched to talk to Ron about the animation.

Looking forward to seeing the new stuff, Ted.

rooster1 said...

hmm...would this be a bad time to tell everyone that I got hungry one day while shooting and decided to eat a few Sony Mini-Dv tapes?? Could that possibly be the missing footage?

allen etter said...


jonzig said...

That was Shatner-riffic, Allen!
