Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saturday we shall have RAIN!

I'm RE-shooting some of the footage that got lost - swallowed by an evil black hole! It's supposed to rain on Saturday which is fantastic, since the rain rack was accidentally destroyed. I'll have some images to post tomorrow.

On a side note, it's sorta cool seeing who is dropping by the blog. Hey Canada and the rest of you all, leave a note and say hi. We'll send ya a DVD when it's all done.

And one last note. The hats are done. I am now taking orders. $12.00 is a real bargain.

Michael...your's will be put in the mail this week along with a copy of Sally's graphic novel and Sean's soundtrack. I was going to send it off last week, but then my sister told me that the hats were due to come in any day...


Anonymous said...

Hi Allen,

Just wanted to say hey, and let you know I still visit the blog for updates and what not...

Well, it looks like the Garam arm is out... well I know a lot of tough decisions have to be made.

Anyway glad to see the films still progressing along. I think you deserve an A+ for keeping your dream alive =D.

BTW I saw where Ted is saying he's wrting a script now.... HAHAAHAHAHAH it'll never end!


allen etter said...

YOU LIVE! Good to hear from you. Yeah, the arm scene as well as many of my favorites have been cut. I hope to one day revisit the movie with a budget and add all of the missing stuff. I'm not going to pull a Lucas and add all sorts of meaningless crap, I'd just like to one day put in the scenes we simply could not do due to money not being there and the time factor...

Michael Grant Clark said...

Hi, cap looks cool. Will I turn into an American if I wear one? I've always wondered.

Mostly in the UK the only people who wear baseball caps are hoodie wearing street scum - cavs or neds, as they are known here.

I'll try not to rob old ladies when I'm wearing this one.

allen etter said...

You instantly become American. It's weird. Some people go through the whole process of achieving a Green Card, but a baseball cap apparently does the trick.