Sunday, December 14, 2008

Today was the day...

Last night I got three hours of sleep as I tried to complete the audio mix...difficult when the audio files are delivered so late...and several are missing...

I started off this evening with a slight disclaimer...I mentioned that there would be several audio drops and some missing scenes...I also mentioned that some tracks would be all-together gone or too quiet to hear...when you mix audio with head phones on it sounds a lot different than when the movie is shown in a theater setting...

As the lights dimmed and the movie started, all was well...then we had the first dialog track and it was almost impossible to hear...more problems followed...but I won't dwell on them...

As I cringed, fought off the urge to vomit and shifted uncomfortably in my seat for one hour and twenty two minutes...the 50-60 people watching the movie (the room held 70) seemed to actually enjoy the movie. Despite the horrible sound, the audience clapped as the credits rolled. The really applauded and it felt GREAT! Ted and I have some work to do to get it ready for the Dec. 25th release, but despite all of the many flaws I saw, the audience seemed entertained.

It was a great night!

I have a lot of hard working people to thank for getting this done.

And, on a side note...around about the same time that the credits rolled, our lead, Danielle Magner, (aka Gwen) gave birth to a baby girl!


Michael Grant Clark said...

That all sounds very scary. Needless to say we've been through some nightmare screenings but they usually work out in the end.

Great news on Danielle's baby, is she going to call it Gwen?

allen etter said...

Gwenyth, actually...

Michael Grant Clark said...

Great name and surprisingly close. Welsh originally I think.

Unknown said...

That is fantastic! The legacy of Gwen will live on.

jonzig said...

It was a great showing, kudos to you and Ted on all the hard work! I think the applause reflected that everyone appreciated all your efforts for a fine product on a small budget of $5. :P

Again, great job! Now you can hibernate.

Sparrow Sparrow said...

We had a ton of fun! Congratulations!

jonzig said...

Speaking of Danielle, I just happened to run into her today at the hospital and got to see her baby. They're both doing very well :D

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Very glad to hear it went well besides the technical hiccups you mention here !!

allen etter said...

Ive spent the past several days going through the movie...this weekend I'll re-cut and re-mix the sound...then we'll be good to go.

In the mean time, I'm 23 pages into the next script...Beneath Shadows...we start shooting in Feb. Look for a blog soon...