Wednesday, March 28, 2007

It's a bit of a contest...

One of my friends, Doug, asked why Danielle had the cloth pulled over her eyes. I realized that anyone not privy to the story line might asked the same question. At two scenes in the story, Danielle, as Gwen, will be seen with her eye coverings off. We'll get some red contacts for those scenes. are three ideas for a promo poster. Vote on the best or send some advice.


Michael Grant Clark said...

Hi, I see (no pun intended) what direction you're going in with the poster, the hood may have been a bit confusing for some folk, but I'm not sure if the red eyes work. I keep thinking vampire (I watch way too much Buffy).

May I suggest just a strip of ragged cloth across the eyes, like a slipped bandana. It has previous film poster precedence and could be applied in photoshop for the image you have. Its a much edgier look. Shame to cover the actresses face though as she looks great.

allen etter said...

I toyed with that idea...probably should return to it (the blind fold that is). I was always more into the Angel series than Buffy, but you're does look a bit vampire-ish.

Andrew Glazebrook said...

I still prefer the hood pic, like Michael I think the red eyes may be a bit too Vampire !

Anonymous said...

Red eyes....TOO vampire-ish.