Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fantastic voice...

..and a great band. Our end credits will roll after the scene of Leigh and Tarina as they over look the Village. The music is going to be a song by the wooden satellites as mentioned before. If you have not checked them out, then a thousand curses on your house and your shed and hamster. Go to their site, listen to "The Bride" and be amazed!

When it comes to the Feel of the end credits, we wanted a hopeful feel to the overall dread that somnambulist red produced. We love their stuff, but we needed a 'book end' to close the movie and felt that W.S. was a good companion. So check it out and hear the voice of sorrow on "the Bride" that is Andrea Harvey and (I think that's CRay singing back up but maybe not so don't kill you could anyway).

Can't wait to hear the end toon...she is a student of mine so if the end theme is crap, she'll have to drop out of stress, Andrea...


Sparrow Sparrow said...

Oh god.

allen etter said...

Hope you guys don't mind me pluggin' yer stuff. Hey, btw, can I post a picture of you and your poster? Oh wait...oops.

Sparrow Sparrow said...

Yeah, yeah, do whatever you want... but none of the dates on the poster are right. Gotcha, sucker!

allen etter said...

(Drops to knees and waves fists at sky) CURSE YOU, you misleading fontsmith!

jonzig said...

see what happens when you curse everyone's hamsters, hmmmmmm??