Saturday, August 25, 2007

Allen's last day of shooting...

Due to my schedule (and quite honestly the exhaustion I feel from the past several weeks) today was my last day shooting. It also was Luke's last day and Tarina's last day. It was a good day, but a sad one as everyone said good bye. I'm almost glad I won't be there tomorrow when Ted has to say good bye to the rest of the cast and crew.

One scene has Luke throwing stones to try to hit a target (a tree). We filmed it many different ways. This shot also has Matt topless which means we have to put his image on the DA Beefcake Calendar. Actually he was in partial costume as he didn't want to get the camera wet. Debbie helped out with the stone throwing as well.

Debbie...she went from three scenes to about twelve or more by the time tomorrow's shoot is done.

And this is what I looked like when I realized shooting had ended for me. (Actually my wife took the photo at my niece's birthday today...not really sure what I was thinking at the time...)


Unknown said...

^_^ it was fun, thanks for letting me be a part of it. i would've been happy if you just let me watch or carry junk.

I hope i didn't start "emoting" like that dude u told me about, that wouldn't've been very unpleasant >_<

~ Debbie ^_^

allen etter said...

You Rocked! That's why you're shooting again tomorrow! Thanks for all you did and are going to do!